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Twaloloka (Ndonga: We are tired) is a small informal settlement in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Hundreds of residents live in so-called "ghettos" or "shacks" without access to electricity or running water. In 2020, the global Corona pandemic led to nationwide retrenchments and many Namibians were pushed into extreme poverty without any source of income to support their children and families. 

massive fire in July 2020 destroyed hundreds of shacks overnight, and a small boy lost his life. Over 400 Twaloloka residents watched their homes and belongings burst into flames until there was nothing left.

Many generous Walvis Bay residents stepped in and supplied immediate disaster relief including blankets, clothes, mattresses, food, drinking water, medical supplies and gas for food prepping.

For many months, Twaoloka residents lived in large tents, until small brick houses provided much needed housing for at least a few residents.

After the fire, Twaloloka was renamed Otweya (Ndonga: We are coming). In spite of its hopeful new name,

the location continues to be one of the most marginalised areas on the Namibian Coast. 

Young children and babies are disproportionately impacted by poverty and they need our ongoing help.

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